Fast Fake Review Removal Or You Don’t Pay.

Suffering from fake, defamatory online reviews? Now you can defend your business and reclaim the reputation you’ve worked so hard for.

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What You’re Going Through

You’re running or managing a business. It’s a full plate of responsibilities and tasks. While your work is rewarding and you feel you’re doing well, the modern reality is that while you’re working hard on your business, the world of online reviews is always there, seemingly judging your every move. 

Good or bad, fair or unfair, fake or real – all reviews are posted and instantly public, ready to make or break a business. A 5-star rating for your business on a review site like Google fuels new business and keeps your existing customers coming back for more. But, unfortunately, it may be something you take for granted until it goes wrong.

Nothing travels as fast as bad news. We know how hard it is to receive reviews that don’t reflect the effort you and your staff put into your work. It’s heartbreaking to have your online reputation compromised and devastating to see what effect fake reviews can have on your business.

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Fake Review Removal


Of customers read online reviews when searching for a local business


Of consumers will not consider buying from a company with a 1 or 2 star rating


Of all online reviews are estimated to be fake

Types of Fake Reviews

You’re busy checking your site’s reviews online and suddenly, you spot a negative review.  It’s frankly baffling.  Your staff hasn’t reported anything to you, and you don’t recognize the information.  The reviewer’s name doesn’t ring any bells.

Fake negative reviews can come from several sources.  These are just some examples: 

  • Competitors
  • Ex-employees
  • Disgruntled customers 

These are people you’ve had contact with. They’re on a mission to hurt you and maybe get friends and family involved to do so. 

Random trolls are particularly baffling as they may have had limited experience with your business.  And it matters! As you probably already know, bad reviews are bad for business.

Around 72% of customers use Google reviews to find a new business, so a negative can have consequences:

  • They make your business seem untrustworthy.
  • They throw doubt on the quality of your products.
  • They cast doubt on your ability to deliver.
  • They throw off prospective employees

So is there a solution?

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Online Reviews Influence Decisions

How Removify Fights Back For You

At Removify, we can help you regain your reputation. Our friendly team of experts, backed by our award-winning content removal technology, will work with you and your business to deal with fake reviews.

Not only that, we can help you protect yourself for the future. Fake reviews don’t simply disappear, and all business owners need to be vigilant. Removify can help you remove fake reviews from sites including Google, Glassdoor, and Tripadvisor.

Removify works to ensure that our solutions work with your business. We help you remove those fake reviews damaging your hard work.

Removing fake reviews is only the first step. Removify monitors your reviews to help you catch other fake reviews in the future. We’ll maximize your review profile ratings by adding new, real 5-star reviews on auto-pilot.

Managing your business’s online presence can be a headache. Removify clears those extra responsibilities so you can spend your time where it’s most needed – building your business.

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Fake Reviews Have Real Consequences

Our Commitment to Fairness

We want your business to have the reputation it deserves and we’ll help you defend that reputation. Our promise is simple: If we can’t remove it, you don’t pay. It doesn’t cost you anything to have us check if we can remove content, so contact us for a free quote.

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Based on 240+ reviews

  • John Anderton

    Shout out to the team at Removify. In 2 weeks they removed some fake Google reviews that we had unsuccessfully tried to get removed for a year. Thank you!

  • Lyn Jolly

    Hugely appreciate how Removify were able to have a review removed that was posted against our business that did not relate to us. Great job!

  • James Tan

    Such an awesome team! They got our negative review down within 12 days. A great reference for my Singapore business community! Professional service Removify provide. Thank you Removify.

  • Adam Sturt

    Removify were able to manage the situation fast and efficiently, they regularly updated us on the progress and successfully removed all false reviews. We cannot thank them enough.

  • Paul Zdzitowiecki

    Removify, do exactly what they promise. They removed a illegitimate review on our google my business page. Service was excellent and the portal easy to use.

  • Ross Kinsella

    Great job in removing a fake google review. Easy, minimal work required by myself and overall great job.

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