Frequently Asked Questions

For Businesses
For Consumers & Media
It is legal to remove reviews from Glassdoor?

We legally remove unwanted Glassdoor reviews by making a submission to the platform. Glassdoor will undertake a moderation process of the review and the decision to remove the content is at the discretion of Glassdoor. Removify’s team of specialists have extensive experience in drafting submissions and appeals to Glassdoor to have illegitimate content legally removed from the platform.

Can you stop negative Glassdoor reviews?

Unfortunately, there is no way to stop reviews from being posted on your Glassdoor business listing. Glassdoor provides an open forum where any employee can anonymously review a listed business. This means that users can leave negative reviews without Glassdoor verifying their identity, employment status or the truthfulness of their reviews. Glassdoor seeks to minimise fraudulent content by limiting the amount of reviews a user can make to one review, per year, per company worked at. However, this does not stop illegitimate content from being posted.

You can use a Free Employer Account to proactively respond to negative reviews. You can also seek to remove fake or unfair reviews through Glassdoor’s moderation process. This is where we are here to help.

How long does it take to remove a Glassdoor review?

The time it takes Glassdoor to remove a review can vary. We typically expect a response from Glassdoor within 10-15 days. However, overall Removify allows up to 60 days for Glassdoor to delete a review. This is because the process may involve multiple submissions and appeals before a review is removed.

What does it cost to remove a Glassdoor review?

The fee for removing a review from Glassdoor depends on factors such as what is being said in the content, and how many reviews you approve to be targeted for removal. Simply reach out and indicate which Glassdoor company page is causing issues, and we will discuss the reviews & interview items in question. The process is fast and painless - after taking a look at the content and your page, our consultants can provide a quote on the same day, normally with a few options depending on the scale of the problem.

Does Glassdoor contact the author?

Glassdoor may contact the author of a review when their review is in moderation. Glassdoor will remove the content without notifying the user if the review is in clear breach of their guidelines. However, Glassdoor does reach out to the author if their review contains strong allegations, language or opinions that could damage a company or individual, but is not in breach of their guidelines.The author will be asked to verify that they stand behind their review as a truthful account of their experience by re-submitting the review. The author will have to re-submit the review before the deadline Glassdoor provides. The author can also use the opportunity to edit or delete the review.

Glassdoor also informs the author that they are legally responsible for what they write under the terms of use. The author is not explicitly informed that their review is disputed by the employer.

Can you remove a business from Glassdoor?

Unfortunately, Glassdoor does not remove a business from its platform at the request of an employer. While you can delete your Employer Account, this does not mean that Glassdoor will remove your business listing. Deleting your Employer Account will also prevent you from proactively responding to negative reviews that are made on your business listing.

However, you can apply to Glassdoor to have unfair or fake reviews deleted from the platform.

How do you remove reviews from Glassdoor?

We remove Glassdoor reviews by making an application to the team at Glassdoor. In this application, our team of skilled legal professionals highlight the issue/s with the review, relying on the relevant Glassdoor Policies, Australian Law or a combination of both to demonstrate this.

Following this first application, our team will proceed to engage with Glassdoor. This will either be in the form of providing more information as per their request or re-submitting an application, as it is common practice that a removal request is initially rejected. It is the expert knowledge of our team which allows for the successful managing of a review application.

If successful, Glassdoor will remove the review willingly from their platform. There is no “bribing”, or “incentivising” involved. It is an entirely legitimate process.

Can you remove reviews from Glassdoor?

We can permanently remove reviews from Glassdoor through our application process. Once Glassdoor has deemed an application we have made successful and subsequently removed a review, it is removed completely and it is highly unlikely it will re-appear.

Our applications aim to demonstrate that a review is in violation of Glassdoor’s Review Guidelines or the Australian Law and therefore once successful, it’s very unlikely that Google will re allow this violating review to exist on their platform.

How can I remove myself from the internet?

Removing every trace of yourself from the internet can be a difficult task. If you have social media profiles these will often be displayed in Google’s search results. These profiles cannot be removed from Google, so it is recommended that you delete them should you wish for them not to appear.

Can you get articles removed from Google search?

Google will not remove articles from reputable news sources from their search engine. Journalism is rarely censored by the search giant, who refuses to omit such reporting despite its sometimes questionable nature.

How do I stop someone from finding my address?

Much like phone numbers, Google does not delete or hide addresses from their search results. This makes it difficult to prevent strangers from locating you. Your address is deemed to be public data by Google. The source website can often be more willing to remove such personal information, so we will typically speak with them instead.

How do I remove my phone number from Google search?

Unfortunately, Google will not remove your phone number from their search results. Google considers phone numbers to be public information and will not comply with requests to remove them. In some instances, we may contact the source website and negotiate removing your phone number with the site owner.

Which Google search results can’t you remove?

We cannot remove Google search results which concern items such as government websites and news articles. Google deems such publications to be paramount to public interest and will not comply with requests to remove these search results. When determining whether to remove a search result, Google places a high importance on the concept of “freedom of speech”. This means that Google may choose to allow search results which make false statements about you or your business. It is important to note that Google will not remove search results that do not violate their content policy or regional laws. If you are unsure of whether your unwanted content falls into this category, please reach out for a free consultation where we can assist you.

Which Google Search results can you remove?

We remove many Google Search results for both individuals and businesses. These search results are often websites with abusive or disparaging content. We also assist with deleting sexually explicit search results from Google that have been posted without your consent. The content is removed for being a contravention of regional laws or for breaching Google’s own guidelines.

In addition to this, Removify works as a middle man between businesses and Google to remove intellectual property violations.

How much does it cost to remove a Google search result?

The cost for removing a search result from Google varies based on the content in question. We will need to see the website before we can provide you with options. This is due to the fact that the amount of work and time required can differ greatly depending on the website. There is no commitment or risk in contacting us for a confidential discussion. After examining the content, our consultants can usually provide a quote on the same day at no cost to you. We may provide a discount if you have several Google search results you wish to remove.

Remember, you only pay for what we successfully remove. We will however ask for a small deposit before we begin which is fully refundable if we are unsuccessful. We aim to be an affordable alternative to engaging in legal services, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars. As such,...

How long does it take to remove a search result from Google?

Removing a Google search result takes 3-4 weeks in most cases, however in some conditions it can be removed within several days. In more complex matters it can take up to 60 days for Google to make a determination. The review process is made up of several stages and users may track the progress of their application on the Removify online portal. If we are holding a deposit for the work, a full refund will be given if the content has not been removed after 60 days have elapsed.

An Urgent 30-Day Processing option is available in certain situations depending on the nature of the content.

How do you permanently remove something unwanted from Google search results?

We permanently remove Google search results through a tailored application explaining why the search result should be deleted. This submission is based on regional laws and Google’s content guidelines. The process requires numerous steps where Google will ask for further clarification regarding the reasons for removal. Google considers multiple factors when examining the content, including public interest. When Google removes the search result, the URL will not appear on Google in your country’s jurisdiction. This means it will not be visible regardless of the search term entered. Our method is based on studying thousands of applications to ascertain what results in a successful removal submission to Google.

How much does it cost to remove a Google review?

The cost for removing a review from Google varies based on the content in question. We will need to see the review/series of reviews before we can provide you with a price estimate. The cost will be dictated by the anticipated timeline and the scope of work required. There is no commitment or risk in contacting us for a confidential discussion. After examining the content, our consultants can usually provide a quote on the same day at no cost to you.

Remember, you only pay for what we successfully remove. We will however ask for a small deposit before we begin which is fully refundable if we are unsuccessful. We aim to be an affordable alternative to engaging in legal services, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars. As such, our prices are typically less expensive than a lawyer, who is unlikely to agree to a “no-win no-fee” arrangement...

Will Google remove fake reviews?

Google will remove fake reviews if they are satisfied it breaches their content policies.

If a review is posted that very clearly violates a policy, it is possible for it to be automatically detected by Google as a fake review and removed instantly. However, this is very rare. Given the large amount of reviews that are posted to Google, it’s very likely that fake reviews go unnoticed.

Therefore, it is often necessary for us to prepare an application to Google which demonstrates that the specific review is indeed fake and in violation of content policies. While this application is not always successful on first submission, if it is evidently fake then our team will.

Is it legal to remove bad reviews?

We remove reviews legally, following legitimate processes and procedures in accordance with the relevant platform policies and the Australian law. Our specialised team of legal professionals use applicable bills, statutes and platform content guidelines in making an application to demonstrate the need for removal.

These processes in no way involve “incentives”, “bribes”, or any related dubious behaviour. Our applications are submitted directly to the platform host. Ultimately, it is the decision of the platform itself to remove the review.

How long does it take to remove a Google review?

Depending on the nature of the content, the time it takes to remove a review from Google can be between 24-48 hours and 60 days, with the majority being removed within 1-4 weeks.

We usually expect an initial response from Google within 7 days after we make our first application to them. Following this, we will continue to provide them with the information necessary to make their decision.

It is unfortunately common that an application is rejected by Google at this stage, however this does not mean that is their final decision. In this case, the above process will be conducted again and the time for removal is therefore extended

Can you (really) remove Google reviews?

We can permanently remove reviews from Google through our application process. Once Google has deemed an application we have made successful and subsequently removed a review, it is removed completely and it is highly unlikely it will re-appear.

Our applications aim to demonstrate that a review is in violation of Google’s Policies or the Australian Law and therefore once successful, it’s very unlikely that Google will re allow this violating review to exist on their platform.

How do you remove a Google review?

We remove Google reviews by making an application directly to the team at Google. In this application, our team of skilled legal professionals highlight the issue/s with the review, relying on the relevant Google Policies, Australian Law or a combination of both to demonstrate this.

Following this first application, our team will proceed to engage with Google. This will either be in the form of providing more information as per their request or re-submitting an application, as it is common practice that a removal request is initially rejected. It is the expert knowledge of our team which allows for the successful managing of a review application.

If successful, Google will remove the review willingly from their platform. There is no “bribing”, or “incentivising” involved. It is an entirely legitimate process.

But aren’t bad reviews there for a reason? They help warn other people about poor business practices.

Yes exactly, that’s the idea – reviews (good and bad) are there to help other people make an informed decision about potentially using that business. Reviews that do that are exactly what the review platforms want, so those are the reviews that safely stay up for all to see.

This question is often based on the common misconception that our services will indiscriminately remove any and all negative reviews for a business in exchange for a fee. In fact, that’s not at all how it works. The review platforms themselves are responsible for deciding which reviews will be removed, and they will only remove those that are deemed to be in violation of their own policies. What we do is present a detailed submission to the platforms, asking them to analyse specific reviews and make their own determination on whether it should stay up or come down. Our success is...

If you are removing all of a business’ bad reviews, how can I trust any reviews now?

First of all, Removify would not be able to remove “all” of a business’ bad reviews unless they could all be proven as being bogus or in violation of the publisher’s policies. For a business with a lot of bad reviews, unless it has been mercilessly attacked by trolls or competitors, many of the reviews will be legitimate and therefore not eligible for removal.

Trust is definitely an important factor to consider when reading reviews. It would be great if we could trust them all, but unfortunately their anonymous nature and lack of any real evidence means that more often than not, we are taking the word and advice of a complete stranger. However, if nobody tries to fight back against fake and illegitimate reviews, we would argue that the levels of trust would be worse. One of our goals in assisting in the removal of bogus reviews is to...

How do you know you’re not removing a genuine bad review?

This is an excellent (and common) question. The key thing to remember here is that it is the platforms themselves that make the determination on whether something is removed. The very purpose of those platforms is to provide real, informative reviews for others to read – so their preference is very biased towards keeping reviews up rather than taking them down. They therefore only remove a review for a violation of their policies – and even convincing them to do that is quite a lot of work.

The fear that a genuine bad review might be taken down is understandable, but people with this fear should also consider exactly what makes a review truly legitimate. The author might be real, and they may well have actually been a customer of the business; but their review still must follow the content policies of the platform. If it is abusive, harassing, lacks...

Who are you to decide what’s a “fair” review? How can anyone really decide?

Fair question! Obviously, “fair” can be a subjective term – what one person thinks is fair, another may think is totally unreasonable. Luckily we don’t need to try and figure out a common ground, because in this context, “fair” is actually determined by the platforms and more specifically by their content policies. In their view, if the review passes those policies then it is deemed “fair”. If it does not, it is deemed “unfair” and subject to removal. Everyone using the platforms has agreed to abide by the policies, so the idea of “fair” – in this context – is actually that simple.

Keep in mind that many business owners will still feel that this system is grossly unfair to them. In the majority of cases, reviews are allowed to be posted and inflict damage to a business, before they can be challenged and potentially removed. Serious accusations can be...

Can’t a business owner do this for themselves?

They can certainly try. Our success in this area comes from having submitted for the successful removal of thousands of reviews, so we know the platform policies inside out and (in our humble opinion) the best ways to approach things. Essentially we act as an advocate for the business, using our experience to assist them in an area that they most likely have very little experience or previous success themselves. Should they wish to go it alone, they absolutely can, but their success rate is simply unlikely to match our own. Some platforms also have a “one and done” policy, in that the first application is considered but future attempts are automatically rejected. Therefore, presenting a strong case the first time is highly recommended.

The main alternative option business owners had before Removify was to engage the services of a lawyer. However, unlike Removify, most lawyers will not operate on...

Can consumers tell the difference between real and fake reviews?

Some people believe that all reviews should stay up, so that consumers can decide which ones they want to believe.

There are a few issues with this line of thinking, not least of all that studies have found that people actually have trouble determining whether a review is real or fake (this study found it to be no better than 50%). So the idea that people can be relied on to tell the difference is fundamentally flawed – simply put, they can’t, and when they get it wrong a business will suffer unnecessarily.

However even if a negative review is “obviously fake”, the impact it has on the business’ overall rating remains intact. Even a small number of fake negative reviews can drag the out-of-five summary rating down to a level that some potential customers won’t even take the time to read the reviews. A 4.5-star...

What does it feel like to be a small business owner that receives a bogus negative review?

To be honest, hardly anyone asks this question – but in many cases, we wish that they did.

Small business owners are particularly hurt by reviews, because the damage isn’t just financial – it’s also emotional. Most work very hard in their business, it is a big part of their life, some might even describe it as a part of them. To be publicly attacked – especially unfairly, anonymously, for the world to see – is a bitter pill to swallow. What makes it worse is feeling powerless to do anything about it – they themselves will know that the review is fake, but not everyone else will. Some people will be scared off by it, thinking that “where there’s smoke there’s fire”.

So how does it feel? Unjust. Frustrating. Anger-inducing. Wild thoughts of revenge. Then later… deflating. It is hard not to take it personally, especially if happy customers...

Are you permanently removing the content, or just hiding it?
In the case of online reviews, our services are designed to achieve complete and permanent removal of the reviews from the platform. All of our content removal services will always prioritize total deletion of the content as the first strategy; if this cannot be achieved, then typically other options are still available to mitigate the negative impact of unwanted content.
What content can you remove?
Anything that can be put onto the internet, can theoretically be removed from the internet - so it is always best to at least let us take a look, since it costs nothing and comes at no risk to you. Most of our removals relate to user-generated content such as reviews, blog or forum postings, and malicious or unwanted images or videos. Click here to see a list of sites that we have successfully removed from in the past.
What content can’t you remove?
Some content is extremely difficult to remove due to the organisations controlling the site that the content is published on. For example, news publications that believe their article to be accurate will fight tooth and nail to keep it up, under the argument of “freedom of speech”. Government sites and other official organisations are of course also unlikely to remove something unless it is clearly factually inaccurate and/or blatantly illegal. In general, if the content itself is completely fair and/or factually accurate, provided honestly by a real human, and without infringing any locally applicable laws (such as privacy, copyright, etc) then removal is always more difficult (but not impossible). Our particular focus is on removing content that is unfair or unwarranted, inaccurate or dishonest, fake, illegal, or targets your business or staff in a personal, harassing or bullying manner.  
How do you remove content? Are you hacking into anything?
All removals are done in a completely legitimate manner, with the content being removed willingly by the publishing website or the host of the content. The full process depends on the nature of the content itself, and where it is posted. There is no “hacking” or other subterfuge involved. We do not “bribe” or offer incentives for the content to be removed. Most cases will involve us creating, submitting and managing a detailed application for the removal of the offending content by the publishing website. We liaise with most of these sites on a daily basis, and it is our experience from analyzing thousands of these applications that we have determined which process is likely to be successful for each type of content. Most removals require multiple submissions and ongoing correspondence with the website publisher.
Will you contact the person who left the review that I’m trying to have removed?
No, this is not part of our standard process and is typically unnecessary. If we do believe it will be necessary or helpful, we will always discuss this with you first and only move forward with your approval.
How much does it cost to remove negative content?
Pricing depends on what website the content is on, and in some cases the nature of the content itself. In all cases, you will only pay if we successfully remove the content. There is no cost, no risk and no commitment required to have us take a look at the content and give you a quote. Simply reach out and show us the content. We can typically provide a quote on the same day that you ask. We do offer discounts for removing multiple pieces of content.
How long does the content removal process take?
This varies depending on the publishing website and the nature of the content involved. In some cases, content removal can be as fast as 24-48 hours, but in more difficult cases it can take up to 60 days. The average removal time is 2-3 weeks and if we have not removed the content within 60 days, we will issue you a full refund. We’ll also keep you up-to-date on the progress of your content removal.

Does it matter if I’ve already tried removing the content myself and been unsuccessful?
In some cases this will make our job more difficult, as some website publishers will ignore all future correspondence if the first attempt at removal was not successful. However, in most cases we can still have content removed even if you were previously unsuccessful. Since we do not charge for unsuccessful removals, there is no risk in letting us take a shot at it even if you don’t think it is possible.
What if I’ve responded publicly to a review that I now want to have removed?
We often find that your response is treated as making the review appear either more legitimate, or already mitigated, thereby making the removal process more difficult. We may ask you to remove your response while the removal process is underway; you can save it somewhere and if for any reason the removal is unsuccessful, you can always add it back in again later.
What happens after the content is removed? Can it come back?
We continually monitor the status of the content, and inform you of the good news as soon as it is removed. Removal is permanent, and it is extremely rare for it to re-appear; if for any reason it does come back, the original agreement still applies and we will work to remove it again.   Please note that some websites will temporarily remove the content while they evaluate whether to permanently remove it. This does not count as a “successful removal”, and we will inform you of these situations when they occur.  
What happens if you haven’t removed the content within 60 days?
Throughout the removal process, we will keep you updated on the progress and our confidence level in having it be successful. If we have not removed the content within 60 days, we will offer you up to 3 options:
  1. If we believe that there is still a chance of success, we will inform you of the status and our intended strategy for continued attempts. You will then have the option of extending the time window to give us more time to implement that strategy.
  2. If we do not believe that outright removal is likely to succeed and our options to do so are exhausted, we may offer alternative options that help to mitigate the damage. In some cases these options are equally effective to complete removal, however in all cases these alternative strategies will be completely optional and...

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